4 Steps on Designing the Perfect Home Cinema Theatre

Designing the Perfect Home Cinema Theatre

Panning on including a home cinema theatre at your very own home with a newly purchased LED television? In the Philippines, among the best home designs include a cinema theatre that the family enjoys given that it’s convenient and that entertainment is a part of the Filipino culture.

Moving forward with designing a cinema theatre at your house, what could be the basic steps? Look no further. Here’s an easy guide that will surely help you out as you venture on installing a home cinema theatre at home!

  • Choose the location on where you’ll set up the cinema

location on where you’ll set up the cinema

To start with your installation of a home cinema theatre, given that you have already purchased a TV to include in your project, the next step would be to choose the location on where you’d be setting up the cinema. Ideally, the location should be a spare room in order to incorporate the overall cinema-feels.

For the details, the size should be at least 12 square feet, and that the space should be rectangular in shape. This is so the room can have optimum sound distribution.

Furthermore, the room should have at least little to zero number of windows. This is due to the reason that unwanted light and reflections may come in with a room with windows.

However, in the event that you decide to use the living room for your home cinema theatre, you can always add thick curtains to block the light and reflections that may exist in the space.

  • Choose the speakers wisely

The speaker is a vital part of the home cinema theatre. This is due to the reason that the speaker can amplify the scene being shown in the movie. Thereby, allowing you to have a great viewing experience, such that of a cinema, in the comfort of your own home.

If you want to sound proof the room, you can cover up the walls with acoustic panels. This will help block the sound coming from the outside and let the sound from the inside fill the room.

  • Choose the appropriate lights for your home cinema theatre

lights for your home cinema theatre

The right choice of lighting can further help you create the perfect home cinema theatre atmosphere. For every, other movie.

In order to achieve this, you’ll need to get rid of all natural lights that may enter the room. It can either be with heavy, thick curtains or a use of lights that automatically dims as soon as the movie starts.

  • Choose the correct set of furniture

In order to complete the picture of your home cinema theatre, you need to choose the furniture wisely. This may be depending on your budget.

Basically, the most appropriate set of furniture includes cushioned sofas, given that these are comfortable enough and can absorb sound better.

Key Takeaway

Viola! You’re done. With these steps, you’ll definitely be able to experience the best from your very own home cinema theatre. Not only that, but you will be able to enjoy this room with your family on a family day.


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