The Best Games for Kids by age group

Best Games For Kids

Best Games for Kids – The video game industry has spread over the years. It’s the most popular entertainment in the world. Games are made by age groups, and all ages enjoy people. There are so many games that deliver top-quality entertainment with excellent themes and graphics. Nowadays families also enjoyed games and its good for families. They can spend time with kids while playing video games, and this will increase bonds between them.

Here are some of the best games for kids, best entertainment video games for both parents and kids:-

  1. SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY:- It is one of the best 3d platforms made. Super Mario Odyssey game can play age 3+ kids.  In this game, players control Mario as he travels to different worlds. From the previous versions of Mario, in this additional moves are added like triple jumping and wall jumping. In this game, Mario can throw his cap, named Cappy. In this game, a minimum number of moons are needed to move in the next round. Super Mario Odyssey is a thrill for both parents and kids.

  1. Sonic Mania Plus:- Sonia Mania is based on old school fashioned platforming gameplay. This game is for children of all ages.  This game gives parents to chance to remember their childhood. Sonic Mania is available for PS4, Switch, PC. In this, you can play split-screen couch co-op.

  1. SKYLANDERS:- Skylanders have great success in the last few years. This is a toy to a life action video game. This game is played by placing characters called Skylanders. Players can design their characters with body parts, and that will be interesting.

  1. Lego Games:- Lego games give parents and kids a thrill and excellent experience with intellectual properties like Marvel superheroes, Harry Potter, star wars, The Hobbit and The Jurassic Park, and more.  In this action play, storylines, puzzles, jumping, and more are there. This game is for ages 10+.

  1. Yooka- Layee:- Yooka- Layee game is much similar to Banjo-Kazooie and Chameleon Twist. In this, the players control the environment, collect items, solving puzzles and defeating enemies. It is available on PS4, Pc and switch. It’s the thrillful return of classic games of the ’90s.

  1. Minecraft:- Minecraft is one of the most trending games for kids. Its design and tools are very simple to grab quickly for anybody. If you are looking for some creativity games for kids, then Minecraft is one of them. In this multiple games, modes are available. Young kids may have some problems to play this game, but as they will grow up, they played the game very well. Minecraft is available for every device.

  1. Plants vs. Zombie Heroes:- This is a family-friendly fun game. Plants vs. Zombies Heroes is a card collectible game. In these players build up the cards and played against each other. Players build up the tickets by adventuring different levels. This is a very challenging game for children and families.

These are the best games for kids which are best for both family and kids. These are best for strong bonding and spend time with kids.

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